Hi Team,   Accompanied by a Kapyong and Maryang San veteran, Joe Vezgoff, I attended the opening of Kapyong Lines in Townsville on 24 April, followed by a Ceremonial Beating of Retreat and a recital by the Townsville Orchestra and 1 RAR Band, which included a rendition of the 1812 Overture complete with guns from 4 Field […]

What do you say to a dying mate? As you sit and hold his hand? What do you say to ease the pain? That you know is so hard to stand   What do you say to the anguish you see In his eyes that are washed with pain What do you say when no […]

Dear Association members, I thought Id take a moment to thank you all for your ongoing support to 8/9 RAR, MTF 4 and  our families while we are away, particularly over ANZAC Day. I hope that you all had a terrific day and managed to catch up with friends and family.   Where we could we ceased […]

1 RAR Battle Group ‘Coral Reunion’ 18- 20 May 2012   at Panthers Port Macquarie Club NSW Contact – Ross Hoy on 0418 654 923 or Email him on:  [email protected] For the latest updates on the Reunion after this notice, then go have a look at the Coral Reunion Weblog site at: http://coralreunion.blogspot.com.au   2 RAR/NZ […]

April 23, 2012 A new pin will recognise the role family members make when Australian military personnel serve overseas, Prime Minister Julia Gillard says. Ms Gillard said at the Kranji War Memorial in Singapore that Australian soldiers make an honourable contribution to the nation while serving overseas but their families also made significant sacrifices. “This […]

Edition: Issue 1 April-June 2012 , a new quarterly newsletter designed to pass on information to assist some 500 or more RSL  PAWS (Pensions, Advocacy & Welfare Services) practitioners assisting the ADF and Veteran Community.  Click here to download.

LEST WE FORGET A MUST READ FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS & NEW ZEALANDERS THE ANZAC ON THE WALL I wandered thru a country town ‘cos I had time to spare, And went into an antique shop to see what was in there. Old bikes and pumps and kero lamps, but hidden by it all, A photo […]

They lie in foreign fields and vast oceans deep We know not where they sleep They are the missing from many campaigns On hallowed cold silent walls we have etched their names Once precious sweet youth never to be seen again From outback to urban sprawl, troubled hearts sob and cry Loved ones in anguish […]

25th-29th JULY 2012   Registration is now open to all Australian and New Zealand veterans of the 2RAR ANZAC Battalions Vietnam 1967-68 and 1970-71.   To register go the 2RAR Association website at www.2rar-association.com.au and either register on-line or download the Registration Form and submit it manually.  If you do not have computer access you […]

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