George Mansford

Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

                          A Legacy So Dear Oh what have we done to our legacy, so precious and dear Now with leaderless tribes and damaged moral compass I fear Once so strong, proud, united and standing tall With a free way of life envied by all A nation built on...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

Opinion – It’s Time to Stand Tall—No Compromises

We live in a world of increasing social changes and shrinking common sense.  Thus as we blunder into tomorrow without understanding yesterday, it does beg the question, “where are we going? Can we really expect our youth, (tomorrow’s leaders) to march forward with...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

Are We Burning Our Bridges?

Are We Burning Our Bridges? History is the soul of any proud nation Deeds in a never ending journey via many stations  A reminder of who we were and what we are now A legacy from those who strived with shovel, pick, horse and plough Recorded are the rights and wrongs...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

Vietnam Reflections – Always as One

Address by George Mansford (Cairns 18 August 2017) Today throughout our nation there will be gatherings such as ours to reflect on our involvement in the Vietnam War and above all, to honour our fallen. In doing so, we also pay our deepest respect to yet another...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

How Lucky Can A Useless Bast-rd Be

It is better than winning Lotto when two beautiful young women backpacking from the Old World arrive at your firm base in Cairns, Far North Queensland for several nights to explore the natural beauties of our land “Down Under.” How lucky can a bloke be? Such was their...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear


Enough is Enough Bulging wallets and full troughs are part of the political game  Canberra Suits should wear masks to hide the shame As Battlers with more taxes and rising costs struggle to pay bills While at family dinner tables, plates are far from filled  The...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

  A Proud and Sacred Place

               A Proud and Sacred Place                       When you visit this memorial of granite stone Its silent sentries forever standing on guard alone No matter your walk of life, young or old, you are...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

Future Leaders – Our Nation’s Proud Torch Burns Bright

This poem was prompted by visits to schools during ANZAC services in FNQ where young Aussies do all of us proud…  Our Nation’s Proud Torch Burns Bright A crowded sea of faces in the school hall A choir reaches out to them with sweet call Disciplined youth bursting...

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Opinion – A Legacy So Dear

Opinion – Brothers in Arms

On recent ANZAC parades in the deep south I was appalled at the conduct of mindless fools who organised  indigenous veterans to march separately from their comrades beneath an indigenous flag. It was a deliberate act of unjustified political correctness to flout well...

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Whatever Happened to Ocker Land?

Whatever Happened to Ocker Land?

In a world of political correctness, be careful what you say A slip of the tongue means exile and a high cost you will pay Offer contrary views which upset our new regime, then watch out! You’re branded racist, stricken with islamophobia or an ignorant lout  ...

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