The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, old enough to buy a beer, and old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much […]

Family, friends and former colleagues gathered at the Garrison Church in the Rocks, Sydney today to commemorate the life of Wally Thompson, the Australian Army’s first Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army (RSM-A). Wally’s life was celebrated in a heartfelt and dignified service by those who both loved and respected him and his work the […]

Fresh from operations in Afghanistan, a section from 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (2RAR) came out on top in the Duke of Gloucester Cup at Singleton Military Area from 13-19 April. The cup, which was first established in 1946, sees sections competing in a range of foundation war-fighting activities designed to assess team dynamics and […]

Prime 7 Wagga coverage of the KW MIA Ceremony at Cootamundra Friday 18 May 2012. Speakers on. Interviews > Ian Saunders, Alby Schultz Federal MP and Colonel Daehee Ahn ROK Defence Attache. Only one error, Dad was not a local. Major General spoke of various aspects of our AMF’s involvement in the Korean […]

THE RIGHT FIT: Soldiers trialling candidates for the next combat boot. MONEY MATTERS: What does the latest Defence budget mean for you? TRANSITION: Uruzgan among provinces to being move to Afghan-led security from mid year. ON PATROL WITH ANZAC COY: Join the infantrymen getting out to East Timor’s towns and villages. Click on the front cover to read the latest edition.

Scientists have begun to understand the full impact bomb blasts have on the brains of those who live through them. Over the past decade, scores have been killed and maimed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and now new US research compares the survivors to concussed athletes. Unfortunately the symptoms […]

An Essential Medical Equipment Payment – an annual payment of $140 to support those with higher than average energy costs because they rely on essential medical equipment at home. Persons holding a Commonwealth Government concession card or a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold or White Card; and who use certain essential medical equipment, or have […]

This “You Tube” video was first shown on the History Channel and is about the tunnels in Vietnam. Although this is a US made video it has a lot about the Aussie involvement with interviews from members of 3Field Troop RAE. It runs for 44 mins but is worth the time.  

(Written by Kerry White) Third generation soldier served three tours in Vietnam An infantry soldier who completed three tours of duty totalling more than 900 days in the Vietnam War was farewelled at a funeral service at Caloundra recently. Ronald (Ron) Lennon was born on 29 March 1943 at Paddington, Sydney, and passed away on […]

                         For our mates I saw the shooting star burning so bright Falling, falling, fading and soon from sight So distant and yet so near In its wake, a soldier’s journey so very clear Duty, sharing, caring, courage and sometimes fear No longer a […]

All Commanders and RSMs: I am writing to advise you of the measures announced last night in the Federal Budget affecting Army.  Defence, like many other departments and agencies, has made a significant contribution to achieving the Government’s economic agenda. It is important that you understand the scale of the ADF’s budgetary reductions to help […]