For our platoon, 1965 started with an exercise in New Guinea. Then in June 65, our training cycle went out the window when 2RAR split to add a new battalion, 6RAR to the order of battle. Our beloved platoon ceased to exist and its warriors were scattered far and wide to help create sub […]

Adversity comes in many forms as we know Floods, drought, bushfire and cyclones on the go Politicians we elect who can never get it right Depressions, recessions and mortgages are a fright There are other types of challenges we meet Complex official forms and red tape to complete Election to decide between liars and idiots […]

Where ever you go in our big brown land, that spirit is the same Always smouldering and now and then bursting into flame Be it in the big smoke among blinking coloured neon lights Or around a campfire beneath brilliant stars so bright   It comes alive as surging floods and constant teeming rain Take […]

The Royal Australian Regiment Association (RARA) held its National Council Meeting 28th to 29th November 2014 in the Australian Army Infantry Corps Museum. Presidents from the RAR State Associations and RAR Battalion Associations met under the chairmanship of its National President Michael Von Berg. The Association represents over 100,000 current and former servicemen, who served […]

With the Christmas and New Year period fast approaching, I would like to share with you the Department of Veterans’ Affairs service arrangements for the Christmas/New Year period. All DVA offices, including all Veterans’ Access Network (VAN) and Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS) offices will close at close of business on Wednesday, 24 […]

Three Second World War veterans joined students from Canberra’s Melba Copland College at Parliament House today to share stories about wartime experiences during the launch of the Anzac Portal.   Personal stories, historical information and educational resources have been masterfully brought together within a new website commemorating not just the Centenary of Anzac, but the […]

Doug McGrath was MC at the unveiling of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Canberra October 1992 and made this closing address at the commemoration service.  It has since been re-recorded and read by Australian icon, Jack Thompson. From it’s beginnings after raising the Battalion, through their training and a year in Vietnam…  Jack reads the story of their […]

Imagine if past generations could return and see The true state of affairs of our once lucky country It’s odds on they would shake their head in disbelief To see the futility of their sweat, blood and grief   We have many politicians who cannot plan beyond yesterday Such narrow vision they need guide dogs […]

I often wonder at the rapid momentum of social change in society including political correctness which to me is blight on common sense and reason. Once you could welcome a mate with “Gidday black fella, been walkabout?” and receive a quick reply such as “Bloody convict, where’s your ball and chain?” It was a typical […]

From the Hervey Bay local paper the day after Buddy’s funeral. The Big Fella went out in style with 1000 in the church and a police escort to the cemetery.  His son Barry set the tone with his remarks reported on the front page.  He will be missed.   Vale Buddy

Three important research studies into the impact on families and veterans of service during the Vietnam War and of peacekeeping duties have been released today.   The Vietnam Veterans Family Study, the Peacekeepers Health Study and the Rwanda Deployment Health Study represent a $12 million investment in better understanding the health and wellbeing of veterans, […]