Hi my name is Angus Sim and by now I am sure most of you who come across this fund raiser know that I’m an honest and fair person that represents the APPVA as the National President of the RLS ignored all my emails and phone calls regarding younger Veterans issues and a submission for a Royal […]

The study of military history forms a critical part of the Army’s learning cycle. A gv publishing the work of the nation’s pre-eminent military historians, the Australian Army and Cambridge University Press aim to promote, to a worldwide audience, our country’s proud military heritage. Detailing the history of the Army, its people and its contribution […]

James Cook University will become part of the Army Tertiary Education Program, enabling Australian Defence Force personnel’s Royal Military College studies to count toward a business degree at the university. Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Brigadier Roger Noble, said the Australian Army made education a priority and said the arrangement would benefit applicants from around […]

Absent at Roll Call There was no answer when his name was called at roll today A comrade who was with us in thick and thin has faded away Now there’s a gap in our ranks where he used to be Oh how he will be missed by the likes of you and me Never […]

Jimmy Bourke, True Blue (RAR-AATTV) Did you ever meet a bloke so full of life? Always with a huge grin, even in strife Would often share his last smoke and tucker too Never hesitant to speak up for the likes of me and you In peace and war for causes he led many a band […]

A Resounding success!!! Dear All, PTSD15 was an absolute resounding success. I could never have dreamed it would make such a difference although deep down that’s exactly what I was after. I’m pretty sure that in the space of two days we have advanced the direction of where we need to be with this illness […]

7.30 Report. By defence reporters Andrew Greene and Alex McDonald updated 18 Sep 2015. Soldiers of 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment in action in Korea Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will lead a renewed diplomatic effort to retrieve the remains of Australian servicemen still listed as missing in action in Korea. Of the 17,000 Australians who […]

Please click on the link to watch the Youtube clip   Few familiar faces here  

New DVD History Offers Rare Insight into Australia’s Special Air Service Regiment   For the first time the history of Australia’s Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) has been captured on film, offering rare insights into the Regiment’s war-fighting and peace-making activities around the world.   The Australian SAS: the Untold History follows the Perth-based Regiment’s […]

Golf Day flyer Register online or click on the link

Many thanks for your service to America, ladies! Got this photo from a friend and fellow vet and thought it should be passed on. It’s something most of us never hear/think about… Charles Yunker (USA)        They Gave Too!!!   Lance Corporal Jacinda Baker was killed in Afghanistan in an IED incident along with two other […]

Reference: Army The Soldiers Newspaper, Edition 1358 August 27, 2015   THE REGIMENT’S FINEST: 1RAR WINS DUKE OF GLOUCESTER CUP 2015 THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER CUP (awarded to the champion rifle section of the Royal Australian Regiment) 1st: 1RAR 2nd: 2RAR 3rd: 6RAR 4th: 3RAR 5th: 7RAR 6th: 5RAR 7th: 8/9RAR THE ROYAL ULSTER RIFLES […]