There is the bravery of the men and women who serve in our armed forces who knowingly put their own life at risk in defence of our country. And there is bravery in asking for help and bravery in asking someone you know if they need help, no matter how uncomfortable that conversation. We all […]

ROSS EASTGATE, Townsville Bulletin September 8, 2016 OCCASIONALLY words used inadvisably come back to bite you. The Australian Malaria Institute, an Australian Army unit says on its website, “Mefloquine is a safe and effective medication suitable for use as malaria prophylaxis.” Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and […]

A salute to all warriors, black, white and brindle who served together, fought together and for some, they also died together. Prologue Old soldiers from days gone by often wonder where their mates are and how they fared in the years that followed their discharge. At the reunions there is often the news of comrades […]

  JLN Independent Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie has won historic support in the Senate for a motion (see below) to establish an independent inquiry and investigation into the performance of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) – especially in relation to crisis in Australian Veterans’ health and rising suicide rates. The Inquiry will report back […]

Welcome to the first edition of NSCnews Online (published by the same people who published the Northern Services Courier for 10 years). It’s a great resource for anyone connected to the military in Townsville and those who may have left and remain interested in what’s happening there. Please share it with as many of your […]

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Dan Tehan praised the veterans who volunteer their time to support other veterans with mental health issues as he toured the Peer to Peer Support Network pilot program in Townsville today. Mr Tehan visited the premises of Mates4Mates to meet volunteer mentors taking part in a mental health support trial and […]

Will a true blue leader step forward to ensure all this stupidity ends?  Who decided political correctness was compulsory? Who are the blinkered Suits in high places who claim all is OK? When slowly but surely our gagged nation is losing its way It’s becoming a Disney Land and avoiding the true facts of life […]

The Alliance of Defence Organisations – ADSO – is the active voice of the Australian Defence Community to the Australian, Government, Parliament and the Australian people It represents 17 Partner Organisations from Warriors to Widows and fights to protect the entitlements and conditions for serving ADF personnel, veterans, and their families. Add your voice and […]

Few Australians know the unique and proud story of our flag –the only national flag to fly over an entire continent, but also the first to be chosen in an open public competition. (In some countries the world’s first “flag design competition” would be part of national folklore, and the five competition winners would be […]

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Dan Tehan, today (24 August 2016) announced 15 ex-service organisations would share in nearly $140,000 Grants in Aid funding in 2016–17. “The Grants in Aid program provides administrative support to national ex-service organisations in recognition of the work they do supporting the veteran community,” Mr Tehan said. “The program helps […]

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Dan Tehan, today (24 August 2016) announced more than $4 million in Government funding for essential advice, advocacy and welfare services for veterans, serving members and their families, war widows and widowers. “The Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) grants program will support 144 ex-service organisations (ESO) across Australia to […]

The following photos are from the Presentation of the Butler McDermott Lawyers Kilcoy Diggers Cup with trainer Phyllis Kalinowski, winning jockey Todd Banks, Mr Neil Eiby RAR representative and Kilcoy Race Club President Con Searle.  Soldiers from 6th Battalion Enoggera Brisbane who performed in the ceremony, trophies given to winning connections, trainer, jockey and strapper plus a […]