Warrior Poets

The soldiers were on parade rehearsing and all had gone well Then the command to advance in review order was yelled The long line marched 15 paces and without any orders, halted It was to demonstrate discipline and that no one had bolted The ultimate example of military good order and cohesion Alas, Private Dodger […]

Was it so long ago when we seemed immortal and soldiered together Sent to train at Canungra in all sorts of miserable weather Ambushing, attacking and defending by day and by night Being toughened up by experts and learning how to fight Running, jumping, shooting, yelling and always trying to be best Preparing for Vietnam […]

For Moff, a true blue mate and Digger.   A reinforcement arrived to join our happy band A smart arse who never tried to understand Such was his manner he was given the thumbs down His presence caused friction and certainly lots of frowns So we turned to our hero, Moff, who was surely one […]

I didn’t know the old soldier farewelled today Many of his comrades were there to bid a fond hooray No Ministers of the Crown or other big wigs did attend He was just another statistic for Canberra to amend During the service there were no VIP photo shoots Just an old bloke being buried who […]

In any war, threats exist by day and night To counter the foe there are drills to quickly fight Regardless of weather, be it cold, storm or heat Nor no matter the hour to ensure no surprise defeat To man positions and know exactly what to do In military terms it’s called “Stand To”   […]

Old diggers are even crankier than yesterday It’s all about what could be called survival pay Canberra Suits don’t even bother to understand why Because their super is not indexed to CPI   The government surely spits out much organised spin The Party Choir sings it regularly in deafening din Frequent official letters prepared by […]

 Pages of history gathering dust in dark shadows lie How quickly true tales of war fade and die Were such records in the Temple ever read? Of defending social values at the cost of glorious dead Now our women too must face Mar’s ultimate test Be quiet! Don’t argue! Our arrogant Canberra Suits know best […]

Woken by a sentry in the early hours of morn In darkness searching for wet clothes so torn, Fumbling, feeling, hurrying then finally ready We left our night base, slow and steady Quietly, confidently, one behind the other There was total trust for we were all brothers Yet I could not stay upright as we […]

The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, old enough to buy a beer, and old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much […]

                         For our mates I saw the shooting star burning so bright Falling, falling, fading and soon from sight So distant and yet so near In its wake, a soldier’s journey so very clear Duty, sharing, caring, courage and sometimes fear No longer a […]