
Federal Court Hearing Justice Perry has still not yet handed down her decision. Petition to the House of Representatives I draw your attention to Petition EN4548 titled “Whole of Life Reductions […] The post ADFRA – DFRDB Update October 2022 appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

The RAR  bibliography records the known published and unpublished history of the Regiment since its formation in 1948. Here is the latest update from our RAR Registrar Russell Linwood The bibliography is a dynamic work and […] The post RARA Bibliography Database as at 31 October 22 appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

The Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package (ASP) will start on 14 October 2022 and will replace the existing Family Support Package. Veteran families accessing support through the Family […] The post Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

The first defence budget from the Albanese government is hardly going to worry China. In fact, this steady-as-you-go, do-little budget actually sees defence spending fall from 1.98 per cent to […] The post Budget 2022: Real military test to come next year appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

The Albanese government has handed down its first federal budget, which includes its investment plan for the defence and security portfolio.   Commonwealth Treasurer Jim Chalmers has tabled the Albanese government’s […] The post Government lays out defence strategy in new federal budget appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

This article appeared in the Editorial of The Sydney Saturday Telegraph 22 October 2022 RCB-This-Must-be-Fixed-Download The post RCB: An Injustice that must be fixed appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

Practising drills without touching a weapon or attacking live enemies without stepping outside is now possible thanks to the virtual reality (VR) capable simulation software recently acquired by Army. Numerous […] The post Virtual training the new reality appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

It is with sadness that Malcom Grey Secretary 2 RAR Association advises that Norman Devereux passed away peacefully in his sleep overnight, Friday 21 October 2022. Norm served in the 2 RAR’s […] The post Vale: Norman John Devereux 1946 – 2022 appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

DOZING under an apple tree in his Lincolnshire garden during summer in 1666, Isaac Newton was jolted awake when a falling apple struck his head. Momentarily losing his composure, Newton said […] The post Opinion: Pollies stuck to their own Laws of Physics appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

At last a national media organisation, News Limited media’s Charles Miranda, has exposed publicly in the Courier Mail and the Townsville Bulletin the facts of the Australian Army’s Rifle Company […] The post Courier Mail article – War They Tried to Keep Secret appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.