George Mansford

Sweet, Sweet Love The comforting blanket of night Masks the first gentle touch so light Shyly, love’s rousing begins How could such romance be a sin?   Exploring, sharing Giving, caring     On Planet Earth with bright burning stars above Two breathless pounding hearts with fire now spent Both in awe and no reason to relent   Resting, reflecting, […]

As our Nation sails forward to where it has never been There’s a very large blip on the radar screen An iceberg of large proportions ahead it seems Several Senators recently elected and at the helm said “We’re in command and today it’s full steam ahead” Other crew, authors of long past broken promises still […]

I often think of warriors who fought the fight To ensure that our way of life was kept right In arenas of cruel harsh terrain, day and night Desert, jungle and mountain height Their bed a mattress of rock or muddy ground Home a shell scrape or behind a dirt mound A smothering dark bunker […]

Suddenly, bright blinding light from a bursting flare A weary soldier woken from bliss to living nightmare Sweet dreams of his wife stolen by the uninvited glare In a pulse beat he senses new danger on a hill of madness A crowded noisy theatre complete with death and sadness Stumbling footsteps are near and shouts […]

Inspired by the departure of WO1 Brian Moore, RSM,  51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment and dedicated to all those ugly bastards who wore galloping horses and carried a pace stick     Imagine so many ghosts marching past From the original senior soldier to the very last One after the other in single file Then reflect […]

Some wore chains, felt the lash and toiled with fear Generations that followed strived with blood, sweat and tears In time a nation was born and soon after, ANZAC was the battle cry Came the Great Depression and many asked God “Why?” The Coat Hanger an engineering feat as was the Snowy Hydro too Among […]

Old soldiers were on parade and the ranks thinning fast Soon there were but a few and then the very last Now is the time to reflect on this unit’s life To salute history created during bloody strife It’s warriors served from the Mekong Delta to the DMZ Sometimes alone, often in groups of two […]

Given we are soon to commemorate 100 years since ANZAC, it begs the following question. Why can’t our nation have such a forest of trees?  It would seem appropriate to include a history trail commencing at the entrance to such a living memorial.     A FOREST FOR OUR FALLEN Many of our youth in […]

The soldiers were on parade rehearsing and all had gone well Then the command to advance in review order was yelled The long line marched 15 paces and without any orders, halted It was to demonstrate discipline and that no one had bolted The ultimate example of military good order and cohesion Alas, Private Dodger […]

Was it so long ago when we seemed immortal and soldiered together Sent to train at Canungra in all sorts of miserable weather Ambushing, attacking and defending by day and by night Being toughened up by experts and learning how to fight Running, jumping, shooting, yelling and always trying to be best Preparing for Vietnam […]