Trevor Dixon

Three Second World War veterans joined students from Canberra’s Melba Copland College at Parliament House today to share stories about wartime experiences during the launch of the Anzac Portal.   Personal stories, historical information and educational resources have been masterfully brought together within a new website commemorating not just the Centenary of Anzac, but the […]

Doug McGrath was MC at the unveiling of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Canberra October 1992 and made this closing address at the commemoration service.  It has since been re-recorded and read by Australian icon, Jack Thompson. From it’s beginnings after raising the Battalion, through their training and a year in Vietnam…  Jack reads the story of their […]

Imagine if past generations could return and see The true state of affairs of our once lucky country It’s odds on they would shake their head in disbelief To see the futility of their sweat, blood and grief   We have many politicians who cannot plan beyond yesterday Such narrow vision they need guide dogs […]

I often wonder at the rapid momentum of social change in society including political correctness which to me is blight on common sense and reason. Once you could welcome a mate with “Gidday black fella, been walkabout?” and receive a quick reply such as “Bloody convict, where’s your ball and chain?” It was a typical […]

From the Hervey Bay local paper the day after Buddy’s funeral. The Big Fella went out in style with 1000 in the church and a police escort to the cemetery.  His son Barry set the tone with his remarks reported on the front page.  He will be missed.   Vale Buddy

Three important research studies into the impact on families and veterans of service during the Vietnam War and of peacekeeping duties have been released today.   The Vietnam Veterans Family Study, the Peacekeepers Health Study and the Rwanda Deployment Health Study represent a $12 million investment in better understanding the health and wellbeing of veterans, […]

I was at a reunion to catch up with mates from long ago With a bride who was convinced that I was her hero Such joy as I recognised familiar faces well known for many sins I introduced my wife for whom I had fought hard to win Quick as a flash they were yarning […]

Sad news – Warrant Officer Wally Thompson – the first Regimental Sergeant Major – ARMY has passed away today, a true gentleman and a soldiers soldier. Stand-down Sir, your duty is done. Duty First – Lest We Forget Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) Wallace (Wally) Talbot Claxton Thompson joined the Citizen’s Military Forces (CMF) in […]

Some Things Never Change It seems politicians have no real regard for the profession of arms. On the contrary, their willingness to seek easy solutions can be measured by unjustified slashing of defence budgets whenever there is a shortage of coin and the need for a whipping boy with seemingly indifference in regards possible threats […]