Trevor Dixon

From Evernote: WEAPONS-MAKER DROPS A BOMB Clipped from: ASX-LISTED Metal Storm (MST) today entered voluntary administration with debts exceeding $11.9 million. The decision came less than a fortnight after the Darra firearm-maker secured an equivalent $1.43 million engineering-services contract with military-defence contractor Colt Canada. Adam Shepard and Adam Farnsworth, of Dean-Willcocks Shepard Recovery and […]

From Evernote: World’s most wanted Nazi arrested Clipped from: Source:  ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), view full post at link above Updated July 19, 2012 13:13:05 Photo: Laszlo Csatary leaves the courthouse in Budapest (AFP: Attila Kisbenedek) Map: Hungary The world’s most wanted Nazi war criminal has been put under house arrest by authorities in […]

From Evernote: Diggers given their names back in Fromelles Clipped from: Source: The Drum – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) click on the link above for the full article By ABC’s Rachael Brown Updated July 24, 2012 13:44:57 Photo: John Cyril Wynn was killed at the Battle of Fromelles in 1916. (Rachael Brown) Nine more […]

From Evernote: ‘Iconic’ Long Tan cross arrives in Canberra – Clipped from: Source: ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) When 6 RAR deployed on its second rotation to Vietnam, a commemorative service was conducted and the Long Tan Cross was erected on the Battlefield of Long Tan.  The young soldiers from D COY contacted an estimated 2500 enemy […]

See An old cattle station in Western Australia’s Pilbara region has been transformed into a camping getaway for war veterans and servicemen and women from all around the country. Along the banks of the Nullagine River, near Marble Bar, is the new Meentheena Veterans Retreat. Vietnam veteran Bill Thompson describes it as beautiful country. […]

Dave Sabben, Commander 12 Platoon, D Company, 6 RAR at the Battle of Long Tan has gone live with  a page on his website that traces the history of the Long Tan Cross in pictures.   The page is not meant to be a Masters Thesis – just a collection of photos (with or without people). […]

Russell Robinson-
Herald Sun   -July 17, 2012 PUB bars over the years have been infested with sad, lonely men who dishonestly lay claim to military service, hoping for some form of social acceptance. ARTHUR ‘REX’ CRANE WAS OUTED BY A MILITARY HISTORIAN WHO REALISED HIS CLAIMS WERE RIDICULOUS. PICTURE: NEWS LTD HWT IMAGE LIBRARY   They […]

Vietnam vets … not forgotten Bob Meehan was a young man when he was required to register for National Service in 1969.  He served most of his two years compulsory military service as an infantryman within 12 Platoon, Delta Company of the 4th Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment (4 RAR). During that time he was […]

  Mary Gilmore 1940 Sons of the mountains of Scotland, Welshmen of coomb and defile, Breed of the moors of England, Children of Erin’s green isle, We stand four square to the tempest, Whatever the battering hail- No foe shall gather our harvest, Or sit on our stockyard rail. Our women shall walk in honour, Our […]

FOR THOSE IN THE BRISBANE AREA OR VISITING ON 18 AUGUST 2012.   Hi All,   Please see below the details provided by the RSM for Long Tan Day 2012.   18 Aug 12, Service commences at 1000 h and is anticipated to be completed NLT 1100 h Location: St John’s Cathedral, Ann St Brisbane […]