Ted Chitham

Most readers of this Message would be aware that the focus of my life and ministry these days is helping Veterans get healthier. One of the precepts that we share with […] The post RARA Padre’ s Christmas Message appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced the appointment of Alison Frame as the new Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, replacing Liz Cosson after Christmas. Alison Frame (left) will […] The post New boss to “clean up DVA’s shambles” appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

In tonight’s TV Channel 9 programme A Current Affair, in the third item Ray Fulcher and Graeme Mickleberg outline the RCB claim for warlike service which is based on irrefutable […] The post A Current Affair – War Veterans Battle for Recognition 30 years on appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

The video of the first Hearing of the Defence Honours and Awards Tribunal and the Report of it by Charles Miranda has aroused the Australian public’s interest in this David and Goliath like […] The post RCB Recognition of Service – on TV Channel 9: A Current Affair at 7.00 pm Tuesday 20 December 2022 appeared first on […]

This initiative invests $97.9 million over the forward estimates to provide an increase to the fortnightly Special Rate payments under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) and the Military Rehabilitation […] The post Increasing the Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Payment for Veterans appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

G’Day Cobbers, The good news, for me at least, is I am back on my feet and reaching for a Pen. All of which has been made possible by the […] The post Warrior Poet George Mansford – News and Poem from the Northern Front appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

Supporting Australia’s material assistance to Ukraine has secured a soldier from the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR) the Hassett Award for the first time in the battalion’s history. Hassett […] The post Leadership trophy a first for battalion appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

The obscene business which is war has many rules. Command responsibility, also now called the Yamashita Principle, is that obligation of all commanders to ensure their troops fight within those […] The post Opinion: <a href=”https://targetsdown.blogspot.com/2022/12/responsibility-for-failure-rests-at-top.html”>Responsibility for failure rests at the top</a> appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

Irrespective of your views of Jacqui Lambie, if you have any concern whatsoever about the ability of the Australian Defence Force to protect Australia, then you should watch this five-minute […] The post Opinion: The time for talk is over action is required appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.

It was during the Vietnam war BRAVO Company 6RAR was bornWhen soldiers marched on to the very first parade one early mornRegs and Nashos, all as one marching proud and […] The post Vale Tribute: Ian Mackay OC B Company 6 RAR appeared first on Royal Australian Regiment Association.